Our colleagues at work gave us a very special wedding gift last year: a sleep over in a harbour crane and a lovely dinner in Harlingen (north of The Netherlands). Exactly planned on our first wedding anniversary. We really had a great time!
Thank you dear colleagues, and special thanks to our colleagues Barbara and Nico!

The harbour crane in all its glory

View from our bed over the Waddenzee

Evening falls over the Waddenzee

Sander contemplating a career move

Sander contemplating a career move

Harbour of Harlingen

Wanna climb up?

The area right of the harbour

Another view over the Waddenzee

Sandra pretending to be the mentioned art on the shore

Inside, the elevator (nothing more than a moving floor actually)

Breakfast is served!

Sander handling the poke to turn the crane

Enjoying breakfast

And whatta ya know: the sun came through!

One side of the crane's roof terrace

And the other side

A last view pic overlooking the railway track

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